You can book apartment in Minsk for one night or for several days from the contact form or from the page of detailed description of the accommodation

Rent Apartments in Minsk

The main field of our company is the rent of apartments in Minsk. We propose comfortable apartments in the center
of the capital of Belarus. Our apartments are ideal for short and long term stays, located in the most beautiful places
of Minsk center, adjacent to the Metro stations, restaurants and night life.
We provide all the necessary records. Registration in OVIR. Get receipts for travel. Its easy to rent
apartment in Minsk. You can book apartment from the page of detailed description of the accommodation
or using contact form. We guarantee the confidentiality of services, customer information is not disclosed


   red03_next_1.gif + 375 29 5633470

                        - Two room apartment #01  blue04_next_2.gif  Address: Nezavisimosti avenue 23 - accomodation

                           - Two room apartment #02 blue04_next_2.gif Address: Lenin street 15 - flats to let belarus

apartments for rent in minsk

  square02_red.gif Location: Oktiabrskaya Square         MAP
  square02_red_1.gif Close to: News Cafe, Ratyshi Pub, Millenium
   club, Overtime club and to other popular clubs.
   Europe and Minsk Hotels.
  square02_red_2.gif Size: 61 sq.m.
  square02_red_3.gif Floor: 3
  square02_red_4.gif Price: daily 120$, more than 5 days - 100$
  Detailed descri ption of the apartment #01 >>
  square02_red.gif Location: Oktiabrskaia square          MAP
  square02_red_1.gif Close to: News Cafe, Ratyshi Pub, Millenium
   club, Overtime club and to other popular clubs.
   Europe and Minsk Hotels.
  square02_red_3.gif Size: 55 sq.m.
  square02_red_4.gif Floor: 2
  square02_red_5.gif Price: daily 100$, more than 5 days - 80$

   Detailed description of the apartment #02 >>

                          - One room arartment #03 blue04_next_2.gif Address: Lenin street 3 - daily rent flat minsk                          - Two room apartment #04 blue04_next_2.gif Address: Melnikaite street 16 - center minsk lux


belarus, minsk, flat, accommodation

  square02_red_6.gif Location: Oktiabrskaia square           MAP
  square02_red_7.gif Close to: News Cafe, Ratyshi Pub, Millenium
   club, Overtime club and to other popular clubs.
   Europe and Minsk Hotels.
  square02_red_8.gif Size: 43 sq.m.
  square02_red_9.gif Floor: 2
  square02_red_10.gif Price: daily 80$, more than 5 days - 70$
  Detailed description of the apartment #03 >>
  square02_red.gif Location: Sport Palace                  MAP
  square02_red_1.gif Close to: Maliby & Ratyshi Pub, Millenium
   club, Overtime club and to other popular clubs.
   Europe Hotel.
  square02_red_2.gif Size: 60  sq.m.
  square02_red_3.gif Floor: 1
  square02_red_4.gif Price: daily 100$, more than 5 days - 90$
  Detailed descri ption of the apartment #04 >>


                         - One room apartment #05  blue04_next_2.gif  Address: Nezavisimosti avenue 60 -    
  square02_red_11.gif Location: Academy of Sciences         MAP
  square02_red_12.gif Close to: Bistro "Lido", Pab "12"
   Komarovski Market, Kafe "Presto"
   Cinema "October"
  square02_red_13.gif Size: 37 sq.m.
  square02_red_14.gif Floor: 3
  square02_red_15.gif Price: daily 60$, more than 5 days - 50$
  Detailed description of the apartment #05 >>


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